Why is abdominal fat hard to reduce?
来源: | 作者:HELEN | 发布时间: 2019-10-28 | 1235 次浏览 | 分享到:
If you want to have Mermaid line and vest line, you can't just make a few sets of belly rolls. One of the most important is the lower abdominal fat. If your abdomen is covered with a thick layer of fat, even if you do hundreds more belly rolls and exercise the most powerful abdominal muscles, they will not be able to see the sun!
If you want to have Mermaid line and vest line, you can't just make a few sets of belly rolls. One of the most important is the lower abdominal fat. If your abdomen is covered with a thick layer of fat, even if you do hundreds more belly rolls and exercise the most powerful abdominal muscles, they will not be able to see the sun!
In addition, excess abdominal fat is a potential risk of heart disease and diabetes. But it's not so easy to get rid of abdominal fat. They are often the hardest part of a person to lose weight. Therefore, some people often give up halfway. The following person Ma Jun introduces several major reasons for abdominal fat reduction. Let's see what kind of abdominal fat you belong to and prescribe the right medicine.
1. It's not easy to get older
With the increase of age, the metabolism speed of human body decreases, and the amount of heat needed for body operation decreases. If women gain weight during menopause, they are more likely to have fat in their abdomen.
2. Wrong exercise mode
Just doing aerobic exercise such as running or cycling doesn't help your abdomen lose weight very much. Strength training and aerobic training are needed to increase muscle strength and burn more calories. It is recommended that you do 250 minutes of moderate or 125 minutes of high-intensity exercise every week.
3. Eat too much processed food
Bread, biscuits, drinks, these refined foods will increase the inflammation in the body, eating too much will weaken the body's ability to lose abdominal fat. Natural foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, are rich in antioxidants, have anti-inflammatory properties, and can inhibit the growth of abdominal fat.
4. Eat the wrong fat
The high intake of unsaturated fat is related to the increase of visceral fat, while unsaturated fat can play an anti-inflammatory role, and moderate consumption is good for the body. But any excessive fat consumption will lead to weight gain, so it is necessary to control the quantity.
5. Insufficient exercise intensity
People who do high-intensity exercise lose more abdominal fat than those who do low-intensity exercise. In order to lose stubborn abdominal fat, you need to exercise fully and burn more calories, which can be achieved by high-intensity exercise.
6. Wrong exercise program
If you want to lose your belly only by rolling your belly, stop it. You should do more exercise of the core muscles (abdomen, back, pelvis and abdominal oblique), and exercise all parts of the body to improve the fat burning rate. You can practice flat support. It can not only exercise core muscle groups, but also exercise arm, leg and hip muscles. But flat support is more used to test the core strength. You can't make Mermaid line and vest line just by doing plan!
7. Excessive pressure
Time constraints, economic reasons, whatever the source of stress, will make it difficult for you to lose excess fat, especially abdominal fat. This is not only because it is easier to eat high-fat, high calorie foods when you are stressed, but also because the stress hormone cortisol will increase the body's fat content and gradually expand fat cells.
8. Lack of sleep
A 16 year study of nearly 70000 women found that those who slept five hours or less at night were 30% more likely to gain 13.6kg or more than those who slept seven hours. Adults are advised to sleep six to seven hours a day.