Four movements for healthy running to prevent knee problems
来源: | 作者:sports-111 | 发布时间: 2019-10-28 | 1243 次浏览 | 分享到:
Sports scientists have found that if the hip is not strong enough, it may cause knee pain after running. This is known as patellar joint pain syndrome, which affects the muscles in the front of the knee. Weak hip muscles can also affect the effect of running because they can't control the movement of the legs.
Sports scientists have found that if the hip is not strong enough, it may cause knee pain after running. This is known as patellar joint pain syndrome, which affects the muscles in the front of the knee. Weak hip muscles can also affect the effect of running, because they can't control the movement of the legs when running, which will cause unhealthy pressure on the knees. American Sports Authority magazine "runner's world" has formulated a four action exercise plan, which can exercise hip muscles three times a week and prevent knee problems in running.
1. Lunge pressing leg
Relax your shoulders and back, take a step forward with one foot, first land on the heel, then land on the whole foot, bend the knee 90 degrees, the thigh is parallel to the ground, and the other leg also bends the knee 90 degrees, landing on the toe, at the same time, keep the body upright. Return to the starting position, change direction, and do 10 times for each foot.
2. Side plank Yoga
Lie on your side, bend your elbow on the same side, support your upper arm on the ground, support your body on the outside of your feet on the same side, slowly raise your hips, and form a straight line. Beginners can bend their legs, reduce the difficulty, hold for 15 to 20 seconds, then switch sides, repeat the same action.
3. One leg bridge Yoga
Lie on the ground with your back and knees bent. Push your gluteus muscles up, lift your hips, and when you're in balance, lift one foot up and place your ankle on the knee of the other leg for more than five seconds. Change your feet and do it five times each.
4. Backward step up
Back to the step, stand in front of the step which is about 20 cm above the ground, step backward, stand on the step with one leg, point the toe straight ahead, keep the other knee unbend all the time, keep the body balance, then return to the starting position, do 10 times for each foot.