Why do presales teams in most companies only make low prices?
来源: | 作者:WILSON | 发布时间: 2019-10-28 | 1969 次浏览 | 分享到:
Why do presales teams in most companies only make low prices? Because, the low-cost team: they won't publicize, they won't invite; they won't describe the future of the club, they won't talk about a single; they... Can't do anything. What's important is that they don't know anything and they also randomly direct investors to do this and that.
Presale team, why only make low price? Because, the low-cost team: they won't publicize, they won't invite; they won't describe the future of the club, they won't talk about a single; they... Can't do anything. What's important is that they don't know anything and they also randomly direct investors to do this and that. Including random design, planning and layout of your club structure... Let you spend unjust money, let your club have no momentum, let your club have no moving line... They just have a group of people, they only know: "here are year cards (fitness or swimming included), 1380 buy one year for free." Come if you want, no, it will be gone in a few days. " In fact, what they are doing, this job, as long as it is a person, "as long as it is a person" will. They can only come to a group of people at a time. (PS: all of us know how to get here. When the wechat group yells, or the last pre-sale person makes an appointment), investors are attracted by the 100 million or millions of temptations they described in the past few days and months. Presale team, never dare to describe how much performance they can have in a month or several months. What will be the club's performance in the months and longer after their pre-sale? They are free to promise for deposit and performance. Because as long as they think of the presale performance, the presale performance has something to do with them, and their survival after the club depends on their life and death? They don't know that presale can do better. They don't know that if they strengthen their own ability one step, they can get twice or three times of pre-sale performance. Low price. They will only be cheap. They keep shouting that there is no profit, where to serve; and they keep shouting that they will only lower the price. Among them, as long as they have made a pre-sale, they are employed as managers elsewhere. As long as they have participated in the pre-sale, they are called the top sellers. And since then, in this road, with their own decoration halo, one club after another, with simple, low price, wanton fabrication of temptation language, bold to pre-sale.  Anyway, they can leave at any time. Anyway, they can threaten investors at any time. Do they have to do this, can they hold hands at any time... Long term planning? For them, it's a legend.  Professional ethics? To them, that's empty talk. Sales capability?  To them, it was a joke. Membership card price? To them, that's bullshit. Do you know why it's always harder for your club to survive? Do you know why your sales are becoming more and more difficult? Because, from the layout of the functional area of the club to the pre-sale, the fate of your club has been closely linked... Go to see the construction process of real estate construction. If it takes three years to build a building, it will take more than one year to dig and pour the foundation (2-3 floors of basement), and more than one year to dig and pour the two or three floors on the ground. Understand what is the foundation? What is the root of the club?